Super Impulse RBS, Rubberband Toy Gun To A New Level

Rubber band toy guns are now reach a new level by the RBS - Rubber Band System, a rubber band toy guns from Super Impulse - United State. From the design, to the performance, you will not recognize that they are rubber band toy guns until they work!

Super Impulse RBS Rubberband Toy Gun To A New Level

They now come up with 5 models, which some can be interchanged for more look and feature.

Super Impulse RBS Rubberband Toy Gun

Super Impulse RBS Rubberband Toy Gun Talos

1/ The Talos, it's barrel can be adjustable for 2 different size of rubberband.

Super Impulse RBS Rubberband Toy Gun 1

Super Impulse RBS Rubberband Toy Gun Proteus

2/ The Proteus RBS rubber band toy gun, 2 size of rubberband also.

Super Impulse RBS Rubberband Toy Gun EOS

Super Impulse RBS Rubberband Toy Gun 2

3/ The Super Impulse EOS, comfortable, quick, suitable for tactical attack.

Super Impulse RBS Rubberband Toy Gun Chiron

4/ The Chiron rubber band toy gun, you may see it is the combination of a Talos and a "Chiron-design" gear at the barrel, this gear is playable apart.

Super Impulse RBS Rubberband Toy Gun Hyperion

5/ The Super Impulse Hyperion, a multi-function rubber band toy gun, play as a pistol with the Talos, or adding that barrel to play as shotgun.

Super Impulse RBS Rubberband Toy Gun 3

Here my Talos, Chiron, Hyperion Super Impulse RBS rubber band toy guns. Let check our how them look and work! - rubber band guns

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