Realistic Glock Toy Gun | Semi-auto | Shells Ejecting

A new Glock toy gun in my Glock collections, the most wanted one. Nice design, nice details, which can deliver semi-auto shooting, shells ejecting. No pull back, no batteries, no gas but give powerful shot!

Realistic Glock Toy Gun

Nice design, look real, but a real Glock that look like toy also :)

Realistic Glock Toy Gun 1

Realistic Glock Toy Gun Semi-auto Shells Ejecting

Realistic Glock Toy Gun Semi-auto

Realistic Glock Toy Gun Shells Ejecting

Realistic Glock Toy Gun 2

Realistic Glock Toy Gun 3

Nice details, details on plastic but look like on steel

Realistic Glock Toy Gun 4

Realistic Glock Toy Gun 5

Realistic Glock Toy Gun 6

Realistic toy bullets

Realistic Glock Toy Gun 8

Check out my clip below to see how amazing it is. And also how does this realistic Glock toy gun make semi-auto shooting, shells ejecting with no pulling back, no batteries, no gas!

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